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Group 667
Group 667

The Academy Day

Starting the day 

School starts at 8:45am each morning and the children enter via the classroom doors. If you arrive late, please enter through the main school entrance where you will need to register your reasons for the lateness.

Book bags

Children need to bring their book bags everyday so that letters, pieces of classwork, homework, and for our older children, reading books can be taken home safely, ensuring that information is correctly given to the right person. 

For our younger learners - As your child progresses in the Read Write Inc phonic programme, each week they will have a copy of words they will be seeing in the next weeks story book, please assist your child’s learning by practising with them.

Pupils belongings 

We ask all children to have appropriate clothing suitable for the weather conditions each day. Many children have similar items so it is crucial for you to have all items labelled with names, as if they are not we can not guarantee they will be found. It would be ideal to have a set of wellies left at school so that we can explore the outdoor environment whatever the weather. On the occasion it may be hot enough, sun cream must be applied at home before school.

All children need a PE kit in school, you can leave all week and wash at the end of each half term or as and when you wish.


We supply water, milk and fruit during the day as well as lunch, unless you choose to provide a packed lunch. Please ensure you keep us informed of any changes in children’s dietary requirements. Our snack station is self service, this encourages the children to be independent and allowing them to choose when they need.

Ending the day

Children go home at 3:30pm and leave through their classroom doors. The Rushmere Park Academy offers wrap-around care to families. If you would like to book in for Breakfast Club, please contact the reception desk. Our After School Club is called Kik Back and you can book your child's place directly through the email below.

If someone other than yourself is collecting ensure you inform us prior to the event. We operate a password system so please ensure that the person collecting knows this.


Lunchtime is 12.00 – 1.00pm

School Meals

Children often need time to get used to eating school meals. Universal Free School Meals are available to all pupils in YR, 1 and 2. In your welcome pack you will receive as part of a transition programme you will receive the schools meals offer and the vast select on offer to all our pupils. Our pupils and staff enjoy our select of tasty treats and many of our parents comment on how it has broadened and extended the foods their child will now happily eat. Please contact the school if you have any questions or for further details.

Packed Lunches

At The Rushmere Park Academy, we promote healthy eating. If your child has packed lunch it needs to be in a named bag or box (not a plastic bag). All children have water with their packed lunch or they may bring a carton of fruit juice. We also ask for support in not providing your child with sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks. We encourage your child to return all uneaten food in their lunch box, so you can monitor what they have eaten.

Useful hints

It is helpful if your child wears clothes that are easy for them to put on and take off. Please label all items of clothing with your child’s full name, and show your child where their name is on their clothes. Remember there will be up to 30 jumpers, cardigans and trousers that all look very similar!

It is also helpful if your child can:

  • Dress and undress him/herself
  • Use a tissue or handkerchief
  • Use a knife and fork (if school dinners)
  • Wash hands and dry carefully
  • Tidy toys
  • Share toys and take turns use the toilet independently
Settling into School

Remember all children respond differently to starting school. As the practitioners working with your children, we endeavour to make their experience of school fun, familiar and secure. As a parent/carer you can help us by reassuring your child, being positive about school and being careful that your own anxieties do not influence your child. Remember some children will tell you every detail of their school day. Other children tell you nothing!

If you or your child has particular worries or concerns, just have a chat with the teacher (sometimes out of earshot of your child may be appropriate).

Remember your child is only four and may have ‘misread’ situations. Set your mind at rest and chat to the practitioners. On the other hand you’ll be surprised how independent your four year-old can be when allowed.

Welcome Evenings for Parents of Perspective Reception Children

We hope you will be able to attend some of our transition sessions during the summer term. Your enthusiasm and encouragement helps make the teacher’s task easier and more manageable. We hope that this information will be helpful in preparing your child for their time at The Rushmere Park Academy & Nursery.

Can we remind you that children should not be riding their bikes in or around the school grounds. This enables all pupils, parents and carers to travel to the school in a safe environment and ensure the safety of cyclists whilst in the school parking area.

Bikes and scooters should not be ridden in the school grounds and particular care should be taken near younger children.

When approaching the school area, please dismount from your bicycle, scooter and other wheeled forms of transport and walk to the school entrance.

Thank you for your support. 

Our Illness and Medications Policy sets out in detail how we support children with medical needs.

First Aid – The majority of our staff have completed paediatric first aid course and are able to administer first aid. It is vital that parents let us know of any medical conditions and allergies that their child may have in order for us to provide the best first aid care as possible.

Medicines – It is our policy to administer only prescribed, oral medicines. School staff cannot take responsibility for the administration of ear and eye drops or any other form of medication. Only medicines prescribed by your GP will be administered.

Short Term Medication – All prescribed medicines must be handed in by the child’s parent to the school office, where they will be asked to complete a permission form. The parent must then collect medicines from the school office at the end of the day.

Long Term Medication – If a child requires medication for a long term medical conditions (eg asthma or allergies) parents must provide written consent (Long Term Medication Form) and staff who are happy to do so and who have had the appropriate training will administer the medication.

No medication can be administered without a completed administration of medicines form 

We do not allow children to self-administer medicines such as Calpol or Nurofen. If your child requires pain relief during the day we ask that parents arrange for an adult to come to school at lunch or break times and administer it to their child.

Absence through Illness – If your child is unwell and unable to come to school we ask that for each day of your child’s illness you telephone the school office on 01525 372096 before 8:30am to notify the school of the absence. The Rushmere Park Academy operates a ‘Day to Day Call’ system and will investigate any un-notified absences.

Children should only return to school if they are fit to take part in school activities including playtime. Children who have suffered sickness and diarrhoea should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.