
The Rushmere Park Academy is confident that parents share our wish that all children make the most of their skills, talents and opportunities. Regular attendance at school is vital if we are to achieve this aim. Without regular attendance the learning process is disrupted and consequently children do not achieve their full potential.

When a child is absent through illness parents are asked to inform the academy as early as possible on the first day of absence, either by telephone or in writing. Please call the office (01525 372096) no later than 8:30 a.m. keeping us informed of the illness and the likely length of absence. If we are not informed of the reason for absence the register is marked as an ‘unauthorised absence’.

We strongly urge parents/carers to avoid booking holidays during term time as this significantly affects educational progress. The Principal will not authorise any holidays taken during term time unless it falls into the criteria of ‘exceptional circumstances’.

Unauthorised absence from school is monitored very carefully and if a child’s attendance falls below 95% and fails to improve, then the Education Welfare Officer will be notified and legal action may be taken. The school may also take action by restricting external activities, for example one-off trips or sports tournaments etc, this will only be considered if attendance is seen as significantly low and an attendance plan has been implemented in the best interest of the child’s well-being.

Late Arrivals – Classroom doors open at 8.45 am and morning registration closes at 8.55 am. Children arriving after 8.55 am MUST report to reception and your child will be recorded as late (L). Children who arrive after 9:30 am will receive an unauthorised absence for the morning session, these can lead to a fixed penalty notice from Central Bedfordshire.

Persistent lateness disrupts a child’s education and encourages poor attendance, leading to bad habits that can be hard to break. The school monitors regular lateness and letters are sent to families that have 5 or more lates. If this continues parents/carers are invited in for a meeting with the Pastoral Assistant to discuss the reason. A record of this meeting is kept whether attended or not. If lateness still continues to be an issue the EWO and Principal will then request a meeting with parent/carer(s) to discuss concerns.

Holidays During term time

If you take your child out of school for a family holiday without the school’s prior authorisation, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and noted in your child’s school records. Across Leighton Buzzard all headteacher’s have sign an agreement to up hold this policy, unless the request made falls under the ‘exceptional circumstances’ criteria. If a family has children at two different schools it is best practice for a conversation to take place between the schools before a decision is made and the parents are informed on whether the request will be authorised.

If your child goes on an authorised family holiday, yet fails to return by the agreed date any extra time absent from school will be counted as unauthorised.

If your child fails to return within 10 days of the expected date of return, then the school may remove your child from the school role and notify the council accordingly.

If your child is absent from school on a family holiday or has a track record of absences without authorisation, the school may ask the council to serve a Penalty Notice. This Penalty Notice is a fine of £60 per child per adult which, if not paid within 21 days, rises to £120 per child per adult. If you are issued with a Penalty Notice and you fail to pay it within 28 days you will be prosecuted in court.