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Our PHSE curriculum is guided by Jigsaw which is a comprehensive PHSE programme, covering all the requirements of the government guidance and outcomes and more. The Relationships and Healthy Me Puzzles (units) cover most of the aspects in the guidance but these are enhanced, revisited and foundations are built throughout the Jigsaw Programme. 

Jigsaw's philosophy starts by building positive self-image, a sense of identity and a healthy relationship with self, and from that starting point helps children grow healthy relationships with others. 

Health Education in Jigsaw embraces not only physical health but has a strong focus on mental health and emotional literacy throughout, and empowers children to be aware of their own thoughts and feelings and know how to manage and regulate these e.g. using Calm Me (mindfulness techniques).

Jigsaw values every child and so takes inclusivity as a given, promoting acceptance of individuals for who they are and who they will become.